deep pain

美 [diːp peɪn]英 [diːp peɪn]
  • 网络深刻的痛苦;深层痛觉;指头面部的疼痛;深部痛;后肢有无深通
deep paindeep pain
  1. I think that left him with a deep pain in his heart .


  2. What you did to his brother cause him deep pain .


  3. To give high joy great things are needful ; to give deep pain little things are enough .


  4. Objective Fracture is a common and unexpectable hurt , which cause deep pain and large burden to patients , their family and society .


  5. The signs and symptoms of these injuries were superficial or deep pain and a positive Tinel 's sign .


  6. While the latest sanctions are not likely to inflict deep pain , Rosneft and other Russian energy companies may have to get more creative about their financing needs .


  7. The dream was so true at the beginning , why has it been broken into pieces ? So deep pain I ever felt , but no traces are left when it 's over .


  8. Yuxin from south to north , their experiences occurred enormous change and their feelings from the early elation to late nights of deep pain , which makes him a great creative naturally change .


  9. Thirteen cases repaired with non - innervated flaps and full - thickness grafting showed deep pain sensation , and over the 1 - 2 cm area coverage around the flaps there was light touch sensation .


  10. I hope that through this film more people will come to feel their deep pain as my team and I have , so as to understand and accept them as who they are , and accept such lifestyle as is .


  11. Sometimes the strong desire to help and rescue others is actually a call to help our own deep seated pain .


  12. Complaining pain knee in early stage with pain hip joint , deep pressing pain can be found at groin .


  13. I was here on Maidan [ Square ] a year ago taking part in the revolution , but not for such deep economic pain .


  14. A deep , viselike pain in the heart and stomach area commonly spreads to the left arm .


  15. If let you to his attachment have the very deep very deep pain , you only could try to let oneself fly upwards from the pain , thought of by one exquisite way .


  16. I cannot say , but I have impact and sorrow . I tasted deeper that human crime is really too heavy , but they know nothing for their crime . I also tasted deeper that love of God is as deep , as pain .


  17. Superficial thrombophlebitis must be considered as a risk factor of deep vein thrombophlebitis are pain , reddening , swelling and induration .


  18. Functional magnetic stimulation ( FMS ) is a new technique for stimulation on excitable neuromuscular cell and provides extensive applications with many advantages , such as deep stimulation , less pain , non invasive approach and easy to operate technique .
